Friday, December 21, 2012

Accidents, Serendipity, and Hyde Park

If my family were a boy band, my father would be the Quiet One, my mom would be the Bad-ass Rebel, my brother the Charming One, my sisters would be the Talent, and I'd be the One Who Falls A Lot. For real. I'm such a klutz that I'm injurious to YOUR health. I have at least one major fall every year and I've broken shoes, ruined clothes, sprained ankles, torn ligaments- and the latest in my erm... 'menagerie of mishaps'- a broken foot. I guess you can say that I'm a tad accident prone.

Luckily, not all accidents are unpleasant. In fact, some of my favourite spots in Sydney are the places I discovered by accident. Moving to a brand new city all by your lonesome can sometimes get overwhelming, and I've found that long, solitary walks really calm me down. And occasionally, I come across some really neat places.

One sunny afternoon, while I was galavanting around George Street, I found myself completely and hopelessly lost. Of course, I could have just looked up my location on Google Maps, but where's the fun in that? Anyway, so I found myself at a pretty interesting gate. It was open to the public and I walked in, armed with nothing except an epic playlist.

Turns out I was in Hyde Park.

I walked by a bunch of old people playing chess on this massive chessboard. They were really into it. Notice the two men on the right discussing the game. I thought they were adorable.

Suddenly. This.

This was so gorgeous, it literally took my breath away. I still don't know what that building was but wow. And best of all was this random guitarist on the side who was playing the most amazing arrangement of Hotel California. I continued walking and just went I thought things couldn't get any better, this appeared.

Holy cow. I half expected Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet to show up in a carriage. Although, to be honest, I'd be happy with just Darcy. Hee.

But wait, there's more!

I finally ended up at the ANZAC War Memorial. Very cool place, I say. It was built to honour the Australian Imperial Force of World War I. The fuzzy bits on the ceiling? Turns out those are golden stars. One for every soldier who was killed in the war (I think). It was such an awe inspiring building. It's too bad my photography skills are the pits.

Current Food Obsession: Orange and Poppy Seed muffins from 7-11. Carbohydrate heaven!

Current Music Obsession: Boat Behind by Kings Of Convenience. It's so mellow and chilled out.

Till next time. Ciao y'all.